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7 tips to get better sleep

Sep. 3, 2024 5 min read

woman getting better sleep
The content in this article should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider regarding your individual health needs.

No one likes being tired and cranky after a poor night’s sleep, but what if you knew just how much good sleep can improve your health? Besides feeling more refreshed in the morning, getting better sleep can lead to better glucose health specifically, and we’re all for that. In fact, irregular and insufficient sleep has been shown to increase insulin resistance. And if you have diabetes or prediabetes, it’s no coincidence that your blood sugar levels are higher after a night of poor sleep. Yes, it’s that serious to get your Zzz’s.
Check out these seven tips to help you get better sleep, establish a routine, and control your blood sugar.

1. Keep it consistent

What bodies love more than anything are predictability and consistency. Your body craves it. Keep it happy by going to bed and getting up around the same time every day. Try to avoid changing these times up, but if you have an off night here or there or sleep in one morning, just jump right back into your routine.
Many people find having a bedtime ritual helpful, as well. You can try adding some relaxing activities before bedtime, like reading, meditating, or listening to soothing music. If you’re always hungry before bed, add a high-protein, low carb snack into your routine to keep blood sugar stable overnight. These rituals can signal to your body that it’s almost time to trade the busyness of the day for some well-deserved shuteye.

3. Just say “no” to naps (or try to)

We get it, a good nap is a special treat. Sometimes it feels like the only indulgence that makes getting through the day possible. But you know that new sleep routine you’re establishing? It can really throw it off. You want to make sure you’re tired for when it’s time to go to bed, and naps, especially those close to bedtime, can throw your sleep cycle into a spin, making you less tired for when you need to go to bed.

4. “Unplug” yourself from electronics

Sure, your bed is a cozy retreat from the hustle and bustle of the rest of your house. But your sleep (and your blood sugar) will thank you if you stick to using your bed for what it’s made for—sleeping. Avoid electronics while you’re in bed if you can—that means no TV, computer, or even your phone. Take it a step further by turning off any screens at least an hour before bed for optimal sleep.

5. Watch what you consume (and when)

A large meal before bed can spell trouble for your blood sugar and your sleep. Elevated glucose levels can cause you to sleep poorly, and on the flip side, poor sleep can cause higher blood sugar—it’s a real catch-22. Caffeinated beverages, sugary drinks, and alcohol should also be avoided before bed to ensure a better chance at quality sleep.
Another diet-related sleep hack: If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, it could be related to vitamin deficiencies. Check with your healthcare provider on which supplements they recommend to support better sleep.

7. Set your bedroom up for sleep success

You can help your new routine along by setting it up for success. Give your bedroom a look over and make any adjustments that can help create more of a sleep zone. Pay attention to lighting—is it dark enough? Temperature—is it too cool, too hot? And noise level—do you need a sound machine or ear plugs? By making sure you have your room optimized for good sleep, you’ll have an easier time getting to that point.
Quality sleep is essential to better health, both physical and mental. And when you’re working to keep your glucose in check, you definitely need to make good sleep a priority. You can count on these tips to make counting sheep easier. In no time, you’ll start waking up refreshed and revived, ready to take on whatever life brings your way.


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