Why am I getting Signal Loss?

Signal Loss is when your smartphone temporarily stops getting readings from your biosensor. You’ll see a message on your Glucose tab if readings aren’t sent to your smartphone for over 15.5 minutes. You won’t get readings until the issue is resolved.
To resolve Signal Loss: (It will take up to 5 minutes for any of these to work)
  • Turn Bluetooth off. Then turn it back on and leave it on.
  • Keep the app open and displayed on your screen. Don't swipe it closed.
  • Keep your smartphone within 20 feet of the biosensor with nothing between them, including your body, walls, and water.
  • Keep your smartphone on the same side of your body as your biosensor. Bluetooth works best when the biosensor and smartphone are in sight of each other.
  • If these solutions don't work, restart your smartphone and app.
To help prevent Signal Loss:
  • Use recommended phone settings listed in the app at Settings > Phone Settings.
  • Keep your smartphone battery charged to at least 20%.
  • If Signal Loss continues for more than 30 minutes, contact technical support (in the app, go to Settings > Contact).


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